Monday, November 16, 2009

How to increase your focus and productivity

Well If you dont already know this,I am an awesome guy!Actually Im not the king of awesome as some would believe(my kids) but I am 4th or 5th in succession,Ok just so you know.

I'm fun. I'm usually super funny.Some would perhaps say its how I hide my insecurities,It probably is, but it is me, I love people, I love helping people I forget to charge for services. I am every bodies friend.that sucked in highschool,i was the kid with the great personality.....

I have a billion incredible ideas a day all of which I want to do.I have started many of those projects too........ and most of them clutter my home, my life and worst of all my mind.

I may be Captain a.d.d to people on the outside,scatterbrain Steve:) But that's OK,
Because Life is not about starting out perfect,It is not about being infallible,

You are a screw up right? Your life is a jumble of teetering things that need to be done, fixed or fluked by to make it to the next stage of your existence,Just like me.

How is it that some of us Wing it and become superstars while others of us try so hard to be a success,giving our souls for our ideas and dreams working out Bits off,Just to see it collapse over and over and over.....Mr trump?

Why does bill gates and warren Buffet Own the universe while we are juggling which credit card bill to pay first so we can use one to pay the gas bill,so we can cook the food we bought with the other card so we can....AAAAAAARGHHH!

So are those guys billions of times smarter than us? Nope.Freakin college drop out billionaires! Do they have billions more hours in a day than us?


They have focus, and where their focus runs out they have consistency.Oh and stones)yeah when you lose it all then get up and start again that's stones....or character I think they are the same.

there are tonnes of books and seminars out there to pump you up and teach you how to own the world, but with out consistency and focus we might as well give up,

In my experience there are a few keys so success in any thing you do in life,Now keep in mind I'm not wealthy yet, I'm not some success guru, All I am is a man learning from the best,about how to give my family the best life i can, with balance,why own the world and lose your family and moral compass It not worth it, Balance is Key.

1# Know your goal or outcome: (ie* i want to lose 45lbs,own a new car,go on a holiday to...)

2#Attach your goal or outcome to an emotion:(IE*If i don't loose this 45 lbs i will be dead and not get to walk down the isle with my 3 beautiful daughters.)
By attaching the emotion it creates a sense of urgency to the goal,Your mind will try and solve that goal,sub consciously,it will be real.

3# Review your goals:write them down on a 3x5 card,put them on your car visor,bathroom mirror, 1*I will own a home in X area by this date*I will meet2 new clients a day*I will bring in XXX no# of dollars in to my home this month etc.

4# Be specific with what you are going after,I want a car by Nov, may give you a car,but is it the one you really want?I want this ford focus:) costing $3500 with a 5 speed by November19th with give you a much better picture of what you want.

Now work backwards and figure out how much money you need per month to afford it, Now you have a plan to work. I need 500 dollars a month to afford this specific car by this time, Start saving!

5#Positive talk or Affirmation:Tell your self daily who you are, not who you were, but who you are becoming,what new skills you are growing,IE* I am great at remembering names / I love exercising /I don't need to eat fast food/

6#PLAN! your days, plan your week,plan your family time,get an organiser, a blackberry type thing schedule everything for a while until you get used to following a routine,

The fear of being a slave to the machine is what keeps many of us lost in out chaos,However If you schedule a BALANCED life ,you are not ruled by the stupid blackberry,You are your Boss,Only you have power over your life,
We can make excuses about why we are not where we want to be,but we are what got us to where we are.

We can only control our attitude and activity guys, the rest is out of our control,but we do have the power to become wherever we want pretty much.

Do Not be ruled by your emotions, be ruled By your plan,and you r system,that way when the emotional stuff starts you can go to your plan and work through it.

What I write comes from men and women who are much wiser than me,any thing that sound good is theirs, the rest is probably mine,

Have a great day guys

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