Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fun and Debt in Las vegas,How to survive your vacation,The unofficial guide

Hello welcome to Las Vegas,

Is this your first time?
Have you booked your shows yet?
We have a complimentary show for you!
How are you doing today?
Are you enjoying your stay?
How long are you staying with us?
Have you enjoyed your shows?
Where are you from?

These questions, they are fabulous.they are not sales questions, they are get to know you questions.
I make my living talking to people, when people engage me, I am there! BOOM! Ive got a friend :) yay.

I thrive on community and building relationships of any length of time, and these sneaky trolls,Sorry I mean sales people,Who are by the way indistinguishable from the actual hotel hosts are using my language of friendship to take my money and most importantly MY TIME!

Its Vegas,we are not going there to churn a profit,we go there to have fun relax and of course we go there expecting to spend (lose) money.That is a given and I'm OK with spending money , It is a commodity that can be replaced in short order.Time however when you are on a vacation (and for the rest of your life) is irreplaceable.It is finite.when its gone……Its gone!

Can you lie? Yes. Do I condone it? No! Did I start to lie by day2? Oh yeah baby!

As soon as one of these happy sales people talk to me I’d say leaving in the morning, my shows are booked, no credit card……Ah the credit card. They need that, so you can pay for your down payment on your fabulous new condo timeshare.AHHHHHHHH!!! Really, I didn’t know we bought property at 18-28% interest rates…….want to talk about gambling with your future!

I am all for timeshares,it’s a great idea for those in the market or looking for one,But this is NOT how to do it.
My family does the prepay card,I work in finance and use credit cards for booking flights hotels and Internet stuff.
I use money for buying things :)
I find that taking the ability to bankrupt my family out of the picture, takes away a lot of the needed conversations necessary for losing said family.However much of the “buy me world” does not work on this principal.many business thrive on credit and debt of you and I to keep floating.

Even after a financial meltdown the likes of which we have not seen for generations (which was due and needed to get our heads right again) people are still buying property at credit card rates.

(I dont know what the cost of th deposit was 5000 seems reasonable)
Do you realize with a $5000 deposit on your credit card @ 18%
Using minimum payments of 2.5%, it will take you over 300 months to get rid of your debt, and you will pay over $7,104.75 in interest. 12,104.75 total just for the deposit on a timeshare +the actual cost of the share.

Using fixed payments of $125.00, it will take you 62 months to get rid of your debt, and you will pay $2,693.11 in interest. $7693.11 Better, but still not wise.


Now I'm not saying you would pay minimum payments, but most people do.which is why we crashed last October. Pay for your stuff with money!

So Vegas is really really really really fun. And you can have a lot of great times and amazing memory's or fuzzy ones if you choose.But you just need to plan.If your hotel front desk (the one you check in at) If they comp you a show then sweet, but when there are strings attached.
I shudder to think how many people on that very full bus going to the presentation ended up paying $12,000.00 for a show that cost $65.00 .

Sure they get a holiday destination, But judging by what people were wearing and please understand, I don't judge by how a person looks,however, you can often tell what tax bracket people are in By how they present themselves.

I am doubtful many of them Or myself,could actually afford to go on a twice yearly holiday to Vegas. Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say,the folks who can afford to buy holiday properties would not have been staying in our hotel, and would gladly pay to see the show they wanted.Not that our hotel was Bad,They are just much better newer hotels on the strip for not much more money.(note for next time)

Thanks you for your time,

This has been Afulltimedad,
Hoping to save you some hassle and help you enjoy your vacation, just a little bit more.
Please check out our videos at:

Please let me know what you want to see,

My channels are:

http://www.youtube.com/user/fulltimedadreviews (reviews)

http://www.youtube.com/user/okanaganreviews (local reviews,do you have a business or fun place to review)

http://www.youtube.com/afulltimedad (video blog and travel video)

http://www.youtube.com/MrSeefunstuff meh!

http://www.youtube.com/user/KingOfAwesomer (super awesomer videos of fun stuff)
http://ftdreviews.blogspot.com/ (it’s a blog)

http://www.youtube.com/user/DriverFail (don’t do dumb driving stuff in front of a camera)

Thanks you for watching,
Please comment and send me tips or hints for my videos
Video responses with your videos are welcomed and appreciated
Please subscribe.

Friday, December 4, 2009

employee rant.....

I am in the middle of editing video from my trip but this is a little rant from the other day. Its on my mind often but I never really say anything because I am the fun guy,I don't like to ruffle feathers usually so i go to my car and whine or tell my steering wheel what I really feel.....Know any one like that?

Ever get sick of being polite?ever just want to say what you feel?, yeah me to.unfortunately that has its down falls too.

and i have to go ,sorry my youngest child just brushed her teeth with mascara:(

Sunday, November 29, 2009


So just a quickie, well Its been 10 long long long years for Wife......since that fateful day when she said I do. So to thank her I am letting her take me to Las Vegas! See I am a sweetie.
So if you have never been to Vegas then you are probably asking why its such a big deal?

Well to answer that.ITS CHEAP TO GET THERE......and and its an awesomer place to be than other awesome places!~

we will probably spend less money down there than a holiday up here and its a super hot 17c ....lol
oh and buffets:)
so im going to be back on the loose more of me wagon when we get back....if you want to follow the fulltimedad gets skinny program....watch this space,or a similar space near here.

oh the life insurance is paid up, Mom and Dad you know what to do if we decide to stay there:)
So pray for our saftey,andthat we want to come back to the cold ish north.which I love
we will be doing vblogg reviews everywhere we go.
so If you want to see whats going on there and everywhere we go.......check out the sites below

Thanks you for watching,
Please comment and send me tips or hints for my videos
Video responses with your videos are welcomed

Please subscribe and vote and be friends lets promote each others videos.

My channels are:

do you have a channel? if so let me know and we will promote it for you!

See you in a few days.

God Bless and eat your Veggies

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hunting with the Jonses

Hey, Boys and Girls,

We all like to play in the woods right,we watch hunting shows,4x4 shows,go to the outfitters/fishing/ Canadian tire type stores,and we try to figure out how to explain to our significant other why we needed another (__________________) insert item here.

Playing can be expensive! do we need a knife? yep do we need a 250 dollar knife? sometimes:) but sometimes we only think we do because that's what every one else seems to think we need.

do I need a new atv?an new f350? a barret?But implants?(covering as much territory as I can here) some of us might need it, most of us just want it.

But does not having the latest gear stop us from having the best time?

This year I discovered nope! .......Thank God too, cause my wife would kill me if she added up how much the 30 or so grouse actually cost me this year.
hundreds of dollars in fuel.....and more to come in bodywork:)plus the unfilled tags:( the spent ammo, the gear i bought and lost......it adds up.

I was blessed to have picked up a:
30.06 husky for 400 ish
Walmart boots for 50 ish (review coming)
And the cost of not working when i go play,....... priceless:)

I'm sure I had as much fun and maybe a better adventure than many of the guys who have to have the best stuff.......and the fancy trucks with tires, that go up stuff,and don't get stuck!showoffs:)
Well you went home all dry and stuff,and I have had some of the funnest adventures albeit a tad stressful wondering if i was going to make it home with my truck......

I want nicer stuff,we all do. but i have spent many years not doing,because I felt I needed to have the stuff first,I missed out on a lot of great times.

Don't! just don't. Go out and play, get out of your comfort zone. Who cares what, you think, people think of you, in reality they are just as self conscious as you and don't really care about what you have or don't have.

Its this thinking that has given our world economy a little hiccup of late, Check your self, do you need it? can I buy it with money I have now?or will I be paying for this long after its lost, broken, ignored...etc?

Go ahead and get it, but just know some of us are doing pretty good with out the flash and stress
My wife would have ripped me a........... if I mashed up a 50 thousand dollar truck, but i didn't. i mashed up a 1000 dollar truck and I can fix it for 150 bucks... no stress.

have a great day

My channels are:

Thanks you for watching,

a fulltimedad

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOg8bF51IEQ the video that started this rant check it out

credits of nice truck:

Monday, November 16, 2009

I wanted to die,but now I want to live

I stumbled on this video today,


It almost made me cry.How many people do we know who are going through hell as we just think oh they will be OK,they will get through it.I watched that video and saw so many people from my life,in those pictures,I could transplant so many faces, so much pain and hurt, that is accepted as a part of growing up.

How many times we don't do any thing to help,its not our problem.What we go through makes us who we are,maybe,But only if we make it through.

So many of us say we care,Me included We don't really care, We do have empathy from a distance,We feel for them but not enough to get involved. as Christians we claim to care, our mandate is to help those who need it,and yet many times we sit and think Thank you God for not making me like them.

I have done it,Don't forget That is pride, and Pride comes before a giant canowuppass (new stevo translaton) (In the King James version of the Holy Bible, Proverbs 16:18 warns that "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." )

Lets just take a few minutes to actually get involved, to say a loving word buy a coffee for a stranger,Say hello how are you to some one new,and if there eyes are lying when they say they are good, buy em a drink get there name Invest a second into making their world a little bit brighter,You never know how much a simple work can change a life.

How to increase your focus and productivity

Well If you dont already know this,I am an awesome guy!Actually Im not the king of awesome as some would believe(my kids) but I am 4th or 5th in succession,Ok just so you know.

I'm fun. I'm usually super funny.Some would perhaps say its how I hide my insecurities,It probably is, but it is me, I love people, I love helping people I forget to charge for services. I am every bodies friend.that sucked in highschool,i was the kid with the great personality.....

I have a billion incredible ideas a day all of which I want to do.I have started many of those projects too........ and most of them clutter my home, my life and worst of all my mind.

I may be Captain a.d.d to people on the outside,scatterbrain Steve:) But that's OK,
Because Life is not about starting out perfect,It is not about being infallible,

You are a screw up right? Your life is a jumble of teetering things that need to be done, fixed or fluked by to make it to the next stage of your existence,Just like me.

How is it that some of us Wing it and become superstars while others of us try so hard to be a success,giving our souls for our ideas and dreams working out Bits off,Just to see it collapse over and over and over.....Mr trump?

Why does bill gates and warren Buffet Own the universe while we are juggling which credit card bill to pay first so we can use one to pay the gas bill,so we can cook the food we bought with the other card so we can....AAAAAAARGHHH!

So are those guys billions of times smarter than us? Nope.Freakin college drop out billionaires! Do they have billions more hours in a day than us?


They have focus, and where their focus runs out they have consistency.Oh and stones)yeah when you lose it all then get up and start again that's stones....or character I think they are the same.

there are tonnes of books and seminars out there to pump you up and teach you how to own the world, but with out consistency and focus we might as well give up,

In my experience there are a few keys so success in any thing you do in life,Now keep in mind I'm not wealthy yet, I'm not some success guru, All I am is a man learning from the best,about how to give my family the best life i can, with balance,why own the world and lose your family and moral compass It not worth it, Balance is Key.

1# Know your goal or outcome: (ie* i want to lose 45lbs,own a new car,go on a holiday to...)

2#Attach your goal or outcome to an emotion:(IE*If i don't loose this 45 lbs i will be dead and not get to walk down the isle with my 3 beautiful daughters.)
By attaching the emotion it creates a sense of urgency to the goal,Your mind will try and solve that goal,sub consciously,it will be real.

3# Review your goals:write them down on a 3x5 card,put them on your car visor,bathroom mirror, 1*I will own a home in X area by this date*I will meet2 new clients a day*I will bring in XXX no# of dollars in to my home this month etc.

4# Be specific with what you are going after,I want a car by Nov, may give you a car,but is it the one you really want?I want this ford focus:) costing $3500 with a 5 speed by November19th with give you a much better picture of what you want.

Now work backwards and figure out how much money you need per month to afford it, Now you have a plan to work. I need 500 dollars a month to afford this specific car by this time, Start saving!

5#Positive talk or Affirmation:Tell your self daily who you are, not who you were, but who you are becoming,what new skills you are growing,IE* I am great at remembering names / I love exercising /I don't need to eat fast food/

6#PLAN! your days, plan your week,plan your family time,get an organiser, a blackberry type thing schedule everything for a while until you get used to following a routine,

The fear of being a slave to the machine is what keeps many of us lost in out chaos,However If you schedule a BALANCED life ,you are not ruled by the stupid blackberry,You are your Boss,Only you have power over your life,
We can make excuses about why we are not where we want to be,but we are what got us to where we are.

We can only control our attitude and activity guys, the rest is out of our control,but we do have the power to become wherever we want pretty much.

Do Not be ruled by your emotions, be ruled By your plan,and you r system,that way when the emotional stuff starts you can go to your plan and work through it.

What I write comes from men and women who are much wiser than me,any thing that sound good is theirs, the rest is probably mine,

Have a great day guys

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

New day New Blog New video review site:)

Hello all,

This is afulltimedad,
Im new at the blogging thing,I have never really had a need to I guess,I mean my kids dont want to hear me,as proven by their bedroom floor so why would anyone else?

well i have uploaded a bunch of videos in the last year and have lots of feed back,so It would seem someone likes the stuff i do,Cool.

I will link my videos and blog when it seems appropriate.I will try and spell things correctly as I know it drives some of you mad to see blatant grammatical errors,

if you enjoy my things,let me know comment and rate please.

Bless you all Have a great day.

